..a boy and his movie camera..

It all started in the 80′s with an 8mm movie camera and some slicing tape…

I lied. My fascination with film production started much earlier. I say fascinated because like or love is not the correct adjective. In fact, loathing might come closer to describe how I felt about dad shouting to us on Christmas morning, “OK, come in!”

He’s lucky the allure of Christmas presents was enough to give us the strength to endure the 1 billion candle power (I just learned the term candle power is obsolete. Did you know that?) of light emitting from my dad’s head in the form of a camera light.

I still wonder how those damn things were marketed. Is Sears to blame? Blind your family this year as you capture the wonder and joy of Christmas! yay

The blinding light shooting from my dad’s skull, or there abouts, wasn’t what fascinated me about film production. Watching my dad sit at the dinner table, hunched over a little device with a razor blade and watching him pull tabs off of tiny little strips of tape, placing them into the device, watching him press down and voila, my dad the family historian cinematographer. Now we could watch hours of uninterrupted home movies instead of watching them 5 minutes at a time for even more countless hours. How cool was that?!